
This document describes the game mechanics



Random pricing based upon a normal distribution.


Need a cyclical market pricing. This way prices rise or fall for a certain duration. This makes the user take more care to judge whether the item’s price is on its way up or down.

Cycle should be mostly time based so that we can recalculate the price when a ship actually lands there rather than for every tick.

Will need to save the current state of the market so that loading a game starts in the same place.

  • Markets only have so many goods that they’re willing to buy or sell
  • Markets should be rated for population, industrialization, agriculture, mining. These affect supply and demand of categories of goods.
  • Markets will accept categories of product even if they don’t sell them.
    • Supply and demand drives prices. So if a market does not sell an item, there will be a low supply. However, demand needs to be based off of how different it is from what is already there.
      • So perhaps categories need to be hierarchical. The farther away on the hierarchy from something already sold, the less demand



  • Purchase more cargo space


  • Purchase different ships
  • Each ship that you can purchase has different characteristics


  • We can organize ships into separate fleets
  • Can send fleets off to trade in different locations
  • Give fleets different orders about buying and selling



One bank. Accessible whenever the user is on Earth.


Multiple banks.

  • The Syndicate: * Can do business everywhere * Loans money * High interest rates * Deposit low interest rate * 100% safe * May be inaccessible 50% of the time but never twice in a row
  • System wide bank – Solarian National Bank * May not be present on pirate worlds. * Standard loans * Deposit low-medium interest * Safe unless war
  • Capital planet bank – First Terran Bank and Trust * Available on a subset of system worlds * May open/close branches. Pick X% most industrial/civilized in-system worlds. * May sometimes bankrupts but bailout 75-95% of owed money * standard loan * moderate interest * War may lose all
  • Planetary bank – Mercury Savings and Loan * Available 1 world * Low interest loans * Deposits moderate interest * Sometimes bankrupts bailout 0-50% * War may lose all



Travelling from one location to another constitutes one turn


  • Markets have distances associated with them. takes longer to travel from Mercury to Pluto than it does to travel from Venus to Earth
  • Orbits? Planets change positions?
  • Fuel costs to travel



  • Compare number of enemies with number of weapons
  • Weapons hit X enemies per turn
  • Enemies cause X damage per turn


  • Different ships can protect in differing amounts
  • Different ships have different speeds
  • Order ships on a grid
  • Enemies encounter the grid of ships